


We, at PayU Payments Private Limited (“PayU” or “We”) value all our merchants, and assure a sincere and transparent approach with all our merchants. For the convenience of our merchants and to offer optimum support, we have set up a grievance redressal mechanism and implemented this Grievance Policy for our all our merchants (“Grievance Policy”). This Grievance Policy aims at minimizing instances of merchant complaints and grievances through proper channelized approach, review mechanism and prompt redressal of all merchant grievances.

We understand that merchant grievances could come in various circumstances like a gap in the promised and delivered service levels. This could also be due to the genuine technical or communicative errors in the system. Merchants have complete authority to share feedback / raise a complaint if they are disappointed with the services rendered by PayU. They can highlight their complaint/ feedback/ suggestions through a link: https://help.payu.in/ to our Merchant Care Team or on our website https://www.payumoney.com/. If a merchant’s issue is not resolved within the given time or if they are dissatisfied with the resolution offered by PayU, they may approach our tiered redressal system with their complaint or other legal avenues available for grievance redressal.

In order to make PayU redressal channels more effective and meaningful, a structured system has been put in place. This system will ensure that the complaints are redressed seamlessly and well within the committed timeframe.

For the purpose of this Grievance Policy, (i) a Merchant means user of PayU Money Account which would include payment gateway powered by PayU, ; and (ii) a grievance means any gap in the promised and delivered service levels which may be technical or communicative errors.

Principles Governing This Grievance Policy :

  1. All initiatives and strategies developed by PayU are made with the merchant as the prime focus.
  2. Prompt and efficient merchant service is essential for business growth.
  3. Constantly devising newer and smarter mechanisms to receive and redress merchant grievances.
  4. The details of grievance redressal mechanism to be placed in the domain of public knowledge (website).
  5. All employees at PayU must work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the Merchants.
  6. The grievances will be dealt with promptly and courteously.
  7. PayU promises to rectify any issue faced by a merchant effectively and in a timely manner.
  8. All merchants are to be treated fairly and equally at all times.
  9. Merchants should be informed about the channels to escalate their complaints, concerns and grievances within PayU
  10. There will be no charge that would be levied to the merchant for filing a complaint or a fee towards resolution of the issues.

Team Sensitization On Handling Complaints

Our teams undergo regular training to ensure that merchants’ queries and grievances are handled in an appropriate manner. They are encouraged to work in a manner which helps us in offering a first time resolution and in turn build the consumer trust and confidence. This reflects in both the operations as well as the merchant communications.

Updating Of Grievance Redressal Mechanism

At PayU, the merchant experience is what we focus on and constantly analyze and implement the feedback received from the merchants. Therefore, a mechanism has been instated for analysis and requisite working towards rectification of any concerns identified within the system at the root level. This helps in improving the overall quality of the service levels continually.

Manner of Registering Complaints

At PayU, we love to hear from our merchants- be it a feedback or a complaint. We truly believe and follow that merchant satisfaction is our priority.

Level-1 : If a merchant has a grievance, s/he can do the following:

  1. Reach out to our Merchant Care Team through this link- https://help.payu.in/


  1. Complaints or Queries received on the aforementioned link shall be acknowledged by an immediate system generated response and via individual emails.
  2. The Merchant care team will acknowledge the grievance immediately and send out an auto response upon receipt of complaint or query over the link and initiate an action to have the grievance redressed.
  3. The Merchant will also be kept informed of the action taken, the progress while redressing grievances, and/or, the reasons for delay if any, in redressing.
  4. The follow up action taken in respect of such complaints shall be advised to Merchants by an e- mail and a text message or can be checked by the Merchant on “Track your Query” section available on the website.


All complaints received will be resolved within 3 working days. In case any complaint takes more than the specified resolution time, the merchant will be intimated accordingly and kept updated on the progress / status of the complaint on a periodic basis till such time that the complaint is not resolved. The status of the complaint shall be informed to the Merchant by an email and a text message or can be checked by the Merchant on “Track your Query” section on the website. However, it is to be noted that the time taken to resolve a complaint may exceed, if any assistance of external parties like Banks or other institute is needed. All of this would be available within the complaints reference number in our systems.

Merchant Grievance Redress Escalation:
In case the Merchant does not receive a response within the specified time at Level 1, then the system will automatically escalate the complaint to Level 2 and so on.

Please find below escalation matrix:

Level Team / Designation Link TAT
1 Merchant Care Team https://help.payu.in/ 3 Working days
2 Team Leader / Assistant Manager NA 4 Working days
3 Manager / Senior Manager NA 5 Working days

Disclaimer : The TAT may be higher if we have dependency on external teams like banks or other institute.

Time Estimate
PayU shall endeavour to address every complaint within the below mentioned timelines, subject to the investigation which would be involved in resolving the same:


  1. Response to a user’s query/ concern – 24 Business hours
  2. Merchant grievances resolution process – 3 Business Days


  1. Further response – 4 Business Days


  1. Further response – 5 Business Days
    However, it is to be noted that the time taken to resolve a complaint may exceed, if any assistance of external parties like Banks or other institute is needed